
St John’s C of E

School Logo

Primary School

  • Opportunity
  • Fulfillment
  • Service


House Cup Winners - December 2024 - Cowper

Governor Award - 13th December 2024

Whole School Remembrance Service on 11th November

Harvest Service in Church, incuding performances from all classes

Kingfisher and Sandpiper classes enjoyed a fantastic visit from Young Shakespeare Company, performing Macbeth.

Starling, Kingfisher and Sandpiper classes enjoyed golf skills with Mrs Moxham (Stanborough) and Mr Williams (Monks Walk)

Year 6 Young Leader training

Reverend Kathryn blessing our book bags at the start of the new school year!

Sports Day - congratualtions to Palmerston!

Summer term piano concert

Rocksteady Summer term concert

Class 3 and 4 performing The Jungle Book for Quantum Care

Congratulations to our Governors Award recipients this term - 28th June 2024

Outdoor learning Week

We have had a fantastic Outdoor Learning Week with the very timely appearance of summer making it ideal for the activities that have taken place. Most of the learning this week has been in the school grounds including weaving with natural resources, Maths challenges, scavenger hunts, Art and more. The children have taken time to appreciate nature and to focus on our environment. All classes have used a book called ‘Not A Stick’ to develop their creativity – it is amazing what a stick can transform into with a little bit of imagination.  Class 4 have visited St Alban’s Cathedral and Class 3 have walked down to Lemsford Springs. Many thanks to parents who have been in school to support many of these activities.



St John's Charity Cake Bake 

The school council came up with the idea of a Charity Cake Bake and Sale. They wanted to raise funds for a local cancer charity and chose the Isabel Hospice. The children were invited to create cakes on a book theme and to bring them into school for judging. All kinds of cakes were made including a pirate ship, a 'Happea Birthday Harry' cake, Jungle Book cupcakes and so much more. The School Council and House Reps judged the cakes and the winners were given a prize. Following on from the Cake Sale we are delighted to say that the children raised £126 for the Isabel Hospice. Bailey Robinson, a fund-raising co-ordinator from the Isabel Hospice, came into school to accept the money raised and to have a photo shoot with the school council, who had thought of organising a charity Cake Bake Sale. All the children who entered the competition received a certificate in a Celebration Assembly with the five children who scored the highest marks given a prize. The School Council and House Captains judged the entries giving points for effort, appearance and taste. Well done to everyone who took part!

Our new school garden Mrs Shannon has been busy creating a school garden area. This week each class planted out seeds and young plants as well as explored ways of recycling rain water with the aim of self sufficiency.

Reverend Kathryn taught us all about the Easter story using.... coats!

Classes 3 and 4 thoroughly enjoyed the annual Young Shakespeare Company visit. This year we were enthralled by their interactive performance of Henry V.

Science Week - House teams worked out what biscuit can do the most dunks in a cup of tea and what bubble bath makes the most bubbles.

Craft Club with Mrs Meola - making and painting Valentines pots

Badminton tournament - 8 children from KS2

Exotic Explorers workhops

Board Games Club

Young Voices concert at the O2

Congratulations to all the children who earned a Governors Award this term!

House Cup winners - December 2023 - Brocket

Class Christmas Displays

Thank you Reverend Kathryn for blessing our book bags ready for the school year ahead!

Lion King (KS2 Summer Production). Thank you Nic Sanders for the photos!

House Cup Winners - July 2023 - Melbourne

Welcome to the gallery! Please enjoy browsing our photographs.

Congratulations to Palmerston for winning this half term's House Cup!

Congratulations to Ellie, Ahamdi, Lily and Elodie for earning their Governor Awards!

Eco-Council did an amazing job gathering toy donations and pledges during Waste Week. Here are just some of the pledges generously made by our lovely children!

World Book Day celebrations

Young Shakespeare Company - A Midsummer Night's Dream (Classes 3&4)

Wellbeing Week - whole school activities and House activities

Congratulations to Brocket for winning this half term's House Cup!

Congratulations to Emily, Violet, Samuel, James and Harry for earning their Governor Awards!

Christingle Service!

Fun in the snow!

Congratulations to Jack and Layomi for earning their Governor Award!

Whole school service for Remembrance Day

Celebrating Harvest at St John's Church and at St Alban's Cathedral
