Vision Statement for Religious Education at St John’s
Subject Vision (Intent, Implementation, Impact):
At St John’s C of E Primary, it is our intent that we implement our vision of John 10:10 through all areas of school life, including the curriculum.
“I came that they may have life, life in all its fullness.” John 10:10
“Religious education in a Church school should enable every child to flourish and to live life in all its fullness. (John 10:10). It will help educate for dignity and respect encouraging all to live well together. Such an approach is offered through a commitment to generous hospitality, being true to our underpinning faith, but with a deep respect for the integrity of other religious traditions (and worldviews) and for the religious freedom of each person.”
Church of England Vision for Education: Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good. 2016
Our intent is to provide a Religious Education curriculum which enables our children to acquire a rich, deep knowledge and understanding of Christian belief and practice as well as other world religions. Our RE curriculum aims to engage and challenge the children through exploring core concepts and questions. We aim to provide meaningful and informed dialogue with a range of religions. We provide opportunities to understand the role of foundational texts, beliefs, rituals, and practices and how they help form identity in a range of religions.
In particular, for Christianity, the RE curriculum enables children to know about and understand Christianity as a living world faith. It develops children’s abilities to connect, critically reflect upon, evaluate and apply their learning to their own growing understanding of religion and belief. It enables all to:
• develop an ability to communicate and express and understand feelings,
• develop transferrable skills that can be used in the future to embrace new opportunities,
• experience opportunities that will support the development of cultural capital,
• develop positive healthy relationships and promote well-being,
• develop and grow resilience and the ability to problem-solve so that all are prepared to take their place in society.
The RE curriculum at St John’s is based on the Emmanuel Project, a set of detailed medium-term plans. The Emmanuel Project adopts an enquiry - based approach to teaching and learning. Christianity is taught in every year group developing the learning in a progressive way. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism are also covered. The Christianity content of the curriculum is further enhanced and enriched through whole school enrichment days.
When the children leave St John’s at the end of Year 6, most children have a good understanding of the core concepts of the Christian faith and how they link. Additionally, they have developed a good understanding of the core concepts of other major world faiths. They understand how faith impacts the life of people and show respect for everyone regardless of their beliefs. They are equipped with the understanding and knowledge on which to further build their learning in RE.