
St John’s C of E

School Logo

Primary School

  • Respect
  • Love
  • Hope
  • Forgiveness
  • Peace

Uniform Information


St John’s School Uniform   

The school encourages parents to ensure that their children wear the correct school uniform with pride.  


Please make sure that ALL ARTICLES ARE NAMED on the inside of the garment, including coats and shoes. Children should only wear plain silver/gold studs which they can remove independently or cover with micro - tape for PE.  

There are opportunities during the school year for parents to have second hand uniform in good condition for a small donation, particularly during the regular LSA cake sale events.



Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress   

White polo shirt or blouse   

Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without our school logo)  

Grey or white socks, or grey or navy blue tights   



Blue/white checked dress  

Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress   

White polo shirt or blouse   

Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without our school logo)  

Grey or white socks, or grey or navy blue tights   



Black shoes should be worn, not trainers.  

Strappy sandals are not allowed as they are not suitable for active play in the playground. Toes and heels must be covered.   


PE kit   

Navy blue shorts or cycling shorts – knee-length    

Blue polo shirt   

Navy blue tracksuit bottoms, leggings, sweatshirt or hoodies in plain may be worn for outdoor PE in cold weather  




One pair of plain gold or silver studs.  No hoops.  

A small analogue watch or a smart watch can be worn, for the latter all ability to receive and send messages must be disabled for wearing in school and the watch is the responsibility of the child. 





