
St John’s C of E

School Logo

Primary School

  • Opportunity
  • Fulfillment
  • Service

Celebrating Achievement at St John’s

Celebration Assembly

At St John’s we believe that the successes of every child really do matter and during our Friday morning assembly we celebrate thoughtful behaviour, positive learning attitudes, determination to improve, good manners, sporting activities and a variety of activities pursued in and out of school . Parents, grandparents and friends of St John’s are warmly welcomed to our weekly assembly to share in the celebration of the childrens’ achievements.



Every child who has had a birthday that week has the opportunity to come and share the highlights of their day, blow out a candle on the birthday cake and have ‘Happy Birthday’ sung by the whole school community.


Beacon Pupil 

Each week a child from each class receives a special Beacon Pupil rosette for showing positive learning attitudes, good learning behaviour and being a strong role model for their class that week. Teachers give a brief citation of the qualities the child has demonstrated and their name  is also published in the school newsletter.


Headteacher’s Awards

These are for pupils who show determination and excellent improvement in their learning for a particular piece of work. Children bring their work to be shared and celebrated in our assembly.


Merit Certificates 

House points are awarded for good behaviour, good learning, being thoughtful to others as well as many other positive qualities identified by staff. Children collect house points on merit cards and then receive a Merit Certificate when their card is full.


Governor Award 

This is awarded when pupils have collected five merit certificates – not an easy task! At the end of the school year, all children who have gained a Governor Award receive a treat organised by Governors. Last year it was circus skills workshop.


Attendance Award 

Each week a school Attendance Trophy is awarded  to the class who has had the best attendance.


House Cup 

This is awarded each half term to the house with the most house points – always keenly contested!


Finer Diner 

Every Friday, 5 children are nominated by the Midday Supervisors for showing good manners and behaviour in the dining hall at lunchtime. They eat with Mrs Boylan at a specially set table (tablecloth, napkins and flowers) and are always great company!
