
St John’s C of E

School Logo

Primary School

  • Respect
  • Love
  • Hope
  • Forgiveness
  • Peace

Class 1

Welcome to Class 1!


Summer 2 Topic Overview - Around the World

Releasing our tadpoles back into the pond

Summer 1 Topic Overview - All Creatures Great and Small

Spring Term second half overview

Space Art- Using pastels and collage effects to create space pictures

Spring detectives- What signs of Spring can you see?

Winter explorers

Topic Web for Spring First Half Term

Christmas Concert Performance

Class 1 sang a lovely song in our concert all about Father Christmas. Have a listen!

Class 1 visit to Mill Green Museum

Summer Topic All Creatures Great and Small

Spring Topic Space

Our Village - Class 1 created a road in our outside area. They added parking, houses and signs.

Spring 1 - Traditional Tales

Our Reading Tent - Class 1 have made a reading tent to enjoy our books outside

Mud Kitchen
